Tuesday, June 3, 2014

#100happydays (Day #6)


Day #6

I can't take my camera to work to snap a photo but I have a new view from my desk now.  I have window and  am enjoying seeing a pretty blue sky and clouds developing and passing by through out the day. I am not working in a "cave" anymore (I have not had a window in my office for the past 7 1/2 years.

Happyness is... having an office with a pretty nice view.

Monday, June 2, 2014

#100happydays (Day #4)

Happyness is... waking up to freshly brewed coffee in the morning at the crack of dawn. 

Sundays are my work week "Mondays"... Groan!  I finally learned how to program my coffee pot so the coffee brews before I wake up.  Smelling the aroma of coffee is so welcoming as I stumble down the hallway when I first wake up. 

Ahhhh, coffee.  

#100happydays (Day #5)


Day #5

Happyness is... a beautiful red sunrise on the drive to work today. 

Drat!  I just noticed yesterday's post did not publish. Two in one day. Oh well.  

Saturday, May 31, 2014

#100happydays (Day #3)


Day #3
I started an exercise program today!  It's called DDP Yoga: This Ain't Your Mama's Yoga.
I actually bought the DVD's months ago and kept saying I couldn't start the program until I learned how to use the DVD player.  Seriously!
LAME excuse!
I worked my way through a tutorial on how to do some of the basic moves last night and then today I went through a 30 minute routine called "Stand Up!" this morning.  I loved it and am actually looking forward to doing more tomorrow. 
Happyness is... doing something good for my health and actually enjoying it!
Also, I couldn't resist showing you two photos of Sandy which I snapped today.
Sandy "The Sun Worshiper"... she was following the sun around the great room this morning.
She's a smart cookie!

Friday, May 30, 2014

#100happydays (Day #2)

Our kitchen....

Hmmmm, I had a bit of a rough day today. I was really looking forward to a nice walk with my friend, Tracy, and her two dogs. She was also dog-sitting for two other families so she had six dogs to bring.  Not too far into the walk, her Boston Terrier got stung by a fire ant became increasingly distressed due to the pain.  We took turns carrying the dog until we got back to the cars.  After that, I took the dogs (just my two dogs) to get Round 2 of their Rattlesnake Vaccinations at the vet hospital.  We are good to go for a year.  Yay!

After bathing the dogs, I had to run to town to mail packages at the post office.  It's tourist season. It's just too crowded on the roads and, I kid you not, it seemed as if I witnessed at least a half dozen near car accidents in the space of about 3.5 miles.  I kept trying to not let this stuff make me grumpy but it really had me torked.  I went to the knit shop to knit just a bit with my friends again and then I was off to the grocery store.  Ugh, more bad drivers along the way and the store was super crowded.  I kept telling myself to TRY to not let this stuff get to me, but I was really struggling.  I had to hurry home to make an appointment at 2:00 pm. 

The appointment went great!  We had a man come to the house about estimates for granite counter overlays in the kitchen.  We were so impressed by the salesman, Ryan, and also impressed by the product.  It's a man-made product which is 95 percent granite and 5 percent polymer.  It's not porous
and requires no sealing like granite does.  It's also sturdier and is guaranteed for life.  We had no trouble selecting what granite we want to use in the kitchen and the price was agreeable to us. We decided to have the salesman take a gander at our bathroom as we were considering a shower enclosure in the master bathroom.  I think I am in LOVE with the selections we made for the bathroom even MORE than the kitchen.  And since we were giving the company a good amount of business, they said they would complete the second bathroom countertop and add a new sink for just $100.00.  And the beauty of this company's product... it all gets installed in one day!

Our icky shower...
These house fix ups are long overdue. We've lived here 22 years and the kitchen and bathrooms were in dire need of some sprucing up.  We are spending more money than we'd like, but hopefully we'll see a return on our investment someday when we sell our home.  In the meantime, I KNOW we will enjoy these really nice improvements in our home!

Happyness is... looking forward to sprucing up the home I love so much!


Thursday, May 29, 2014

#100happydays (Day #1)

I came across a post on Facebook today.  There is a "movement" (if you can call it a movement) called "100happydays".  Look, you can read about it HERE.

The website reads as follows:

Can you be happy for 100 days in a row?

We live in times when super-busy schedules have become something to boast about. While the speed of life increases, there is less and less time to enjoy the moment that you are in. The ability to appreciate the moment, the environment and yourself in it, isthe base for the bridge towards long term happiness of any human being.            

71% of people tried to complete this challenge, but failed quoting lack of time as the main reason.These people simpy did not have time to be happy. Do you? 

I decided to take the challenge.  The idea is that you focus on the positive things in your life, take a photo of something in your day that made you happy, and then you share a photo of it. 

I was reminded of this blog I started nearly a year ago when we got our dog, Sandy.  I thought it would be fun to share photos and stories about our new dog, but it could also be an opportunity for me to focus on the positive things in my life and share them with friends, family, and anyone else who may come across this blog.

Sometime after I started this blog, life got in the way.  A new puppy (Sandy), a family, a cooking/baking blog, a knitting blog, an Etsy Shop, and then a second Etsy shop, and then another puppy (Brutus) six months after puppy #1... oh yeah, and that pesky full time job of mine.  What was I thinking starting a third blog!?

Reading about "100happy days" has inspired me. I am going to do this! I am going to look for happy things in my life and share at least one of them each day for the next 100 days.

It's going to be a challenge but I am up for it. 

I know this will be good for me.



Day #1

Today was a great day. I often go to the knit shop on Thursday afternoons for a few hours to knit and, while I am there, I get to see friends... Ann, Marilyn, Harriet, Mysia, and others who come to the shop.  I have not been going a lot this past year due to just being too busy.  I had not seen Harriet in the longest time. 

Today I went to the knit shop and Ann, Marilyn, Harriet, and Mysia were all there!  It was great to see everyone.  I also had a really nice talk with a lady named, Sam. I've met her a number of times before at the knit shop but never really got to talk with her much.  So fun to meet another great lady; she had fascinating stories!  At the knit shop, I also figured out what to do with some gorgeous handspun yarn which I received as a gift from my mother-in-law, Maryellen, for my birthday back in September.   Above you can see a photo to show you the beginning of the new project.

So there you have it.  #100happydays

Happyness is... meeting up with good friends at my local knit shop!