Tuesday, June 3, 2014

#100happydays (Day #6)


Day #6

I can't take my camera to work to snap a photo but I have a new view from my desk now.  I have window and  am enjoying seeing a pretty blue sky and clouds developing and passing by through out the day. I am not working in a "cave" anymore (I have not had a window in my office for the past 7 1/2 years.

Happyness is... having an office with a pretty nice view.

Monday, June 2, 2014

#100happydays (Day #4)

Happyness is... waking up to freshly brewed coffee in the morning at the crack of dawn. 

Sundays are my work week "Mondays"... Groan!  I finally learned how to program my coffee pot so the coffee brews before I wake up.  Smelling the aroma of coffee is so welcoming as I stumble down the hallway when I first wake up. 

Ahhhh, coffee.  

#100happydays (Day #5)


Day #5

Happyness is... a beautiful red sunrise on the drive to work today. 

Drat!  I just noticed yesterday's post did not publish. Two in one day. Oh well.